Dyspepsia - Dyspepsia Herbal Treatment | Herbal Remedies for Dyspepsia

Dyspepsia is also known as indigestion and is a chronic or recurrent pain in the upper abdomen. People mostly complain of belching, nausea and heartburn. Several factors responsible for the appearance of dyspepsia include gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), gastritis etc. There are two distinct types of dyspepsia. Functional dyspepsia occurs with no identifiable abnormality in the gastro-enterological tract, but may include delayed gastric emptying and impaired gastric accommodation. Organic dyspepsia refers to a visible abnormality in the digestive tract. Usually, functional dyspepsia is a most common condition that causes an upset stomach, pain and discomfort in the upper belly. It often comes back over time and can develop because of an underlying medical problem.

The cause of dyspepsia is not known, but it may include a series of events involving the nerves and muscles of the digestive tract. Bacterial infection of the stomach can lead to inflammation i.e. gastritis and ulcers. Reports suggest that there is relationship between bacterial infection and dyspepsia. Most people with dyspepsia often have mood problems, like anxiety or depression.

The most common symptoms of dyspepsia include upset stomach, discomfort or pain in the belly, bloating and feeling full quickly when eating. Some people also show nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite and weight loss. In some cases, the symptoms of dyspepsia even go worse such as vomiting that will not stop, vomiting blood, losing weight or loss of appetite and pain or difficulty with swallowing. The best way to diagnose dyspepsia is to understand the condition, diet intake and mood problems such as anxiety or depression etc.

Avoiding foods that lead to dyspepsia in the best treatment. Some people feel better after taking a medicine that reduces stomach acid. Antacids are not always helpful for people with dyspepsia. The bacterial infection has to be treated with the help of antibiotics. Low doses of an anti-depressant medicine might help to reduce symptoms. Prescription of pain medicines such as codeine, hydrocodone etc. are not usually recommended as these medicines have side-effects like constipation and are addictive in nature.

As per Ayurveda, natural herbs have been used for thousands of years to treat and prevent digestive irritation and discomfort. A combination of herbal ingredients are a therapeutic measure to cure indigestion and support liver & gallbladder functioning. They are safe, free from chemicals and gentle to use on the body. Infact, the natural herbs are a natural substitute to antacids in dyspepsia.

One of the most popular and natural Amla fruit is acrid, cooling, laxative, antipyretic and a aphrodisiac tonic. It is the richest natural source of Vitamin C. The juice of fresh amla fruit is given as a tonic, diuretic and anti-bilious remedy. It is also helpful in burning sensation, over thirst, dyspepsia and other complaints of digestive system.

Properties of Amla - According to Ayurveda

Rasa (taste): sour, astringent are dominant, but fruit has five tastes, including sweet, bitter, and pungent
  Veerya (nature): cooling 
  Vipaka (taste developed through digestion): sweet 
  Guna (qualities): light, dry 
  Doshas (effect on humors): pacifies all three doshas: vata, kapha, pitta, especially effective for pitta 

Antacid: Clinical studies were conducted to investigate the effect of Emblica officinalis in Amla-pitta (gastritis syndrome). The drug was found to be effective in 85 per cent of cases.  

Cases of hyperchlorhydria with burning sensation in abdominal and cardiac regions and epigastric pain were also benefited with Emblica officinalis.   Dyspepsia: The therapeutic efficacy of Amla in cases of dyspepsia was evaluated and the results clearly indicate the efficacy of Emblica officinalis, in relieving the dyspeptic symptoms as well as in promoting ulcer healing. 


Anti-inflammatory: Anti-inflammatory activity was found in the water fraction of methanol extract of the plant of Emblica officinalis leaves.

 Amla Products are growing in demand now days. Amla is nature's richest source of natural vitamin C. The best way to consume Amla is in the form of juice. Amla juice taken about 2 tablespoonfuls morning and evening completes day's requirement of Vitamin C. 

Local Name: Indian Gooseberry and Amlalaki, Amla
Latin name: Emblica officinalis

Our Amla Products - Amla Capsules (Contains no preservatives, chemicals, flavors or synthetic coloring agents. Our Amla Capsules contain 100 % standardized Amla fruit pulp extract)

amla saar

Amla is known as Indian gooseberry in English. It is nature's excellent gift to mankind. Amla is explained in ayurveda as most powerful rejuvenating herb. The Amla fruit has the highest content of vitamin C than any other naturally occurring substance in nature. It is one of the most often described herbs in Charaka Samhita- Ancient literature of Ayurveda. It inhibits Platelets aggregation and lowers cholesterol levels. It is a tonic, has a haematinic and lipolytic function useful in Scurvy and Jaundice, prevents Indigestion and controls acidity. Vitamin C is nature's strongest anti-oxidant and acts as best free radical scavenger. This it is best natural source of anti-aging treatments. It is one of the supplements used in hyperacidity and liver disorders. It stops premature greying or hair-loss, encourages nail and hair growth, improves eye-sight, cleanses the mouth, nourishes the teeth, bones. Cleanses the intestine and regulates blood sugar.

Amla Juice - Natural Vitamin C in the form of Amla Juice is best for human health

Fresh Amla Juice is always recommended as the best source of natural vitamin C. Synthetic capsules or tablets made up of Amla do not contain that much Natural Vitamin C. Pure Amla Juice is the freshest form of Vitamin C made available in the form of Amla Saar. Amla is referred to in ancient text as the best medicine to prevent aging. It is a very strong rejuvenative which is in fact the richest natural source of anti-oxidant vitamin C, with up to 720 mg/100g of fresh pulp or up to 900 mg/100g of pressed juice. It contains 20-25 times the amount of Vitamin C found in oranges. Amla Saar is a carminative and stomachic. It is used in Ayurveda as a cardio tonic, aphrodisiac, antipyretic, anti-diabetic, cerebral and gastrointestinal tonic. 

Amla Juice has so many qualities, and is useful in many ailments. Amla Juice is indicated in all those conditions, where Vitamin C is indicated. Vitamin C is generally indicated in -

Vitamin C is recommended for the prevention and treatment of scurvy. The deficiency of Vitamin C may also cause faulty bone and tooth development, gingivitis, bleeding gums, and loosened teeth. Febrile states, chronic illness, and infections. It should also be used in many other dreadful diseases like Diabetes, AIDS, Blood Pressure, Skin problems like psoriasis as it helps the body to fight these illnesses. The demand of anti-oxidants increases in cases of Stress, environmental pollution, smoking, irregular diet and lifestyle as all these leads to increased production of damaging free radicals and this increases the need for Vitamin C.

Amla Saar -Pure Indian Gooseberry Juice

Amla Saar

Amla Saar is the nature's richest source of natural vitamin C. Amla (Emblica officinalis) contains standardized extract of Amla fruit pulp which has the highest content of vitamin C of any natural occurring substances in nature. Amla is most useful treatment of ulcers and hyperacidity. Amla, in a raw or natural form, reduces cholesterol and cholesterol induced atherosclerosis (Obstruction of the arteries), making it a useful natural product to fight obesity. Ayurveda describes it as one of the best herbs for Diabetes, bleeding disorders, strength and stamina promoter. Read More

Quantity Price BUY NOW
250 ml $ 18.95

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Amla Capsules

Natural Vitamin C is nature's best Anti-ageing substance on earth!!
Natural Vitamin C is nature's best anti-oxidant
Best Natural Vitamin C Supplements are all made from Amla fruit

Quantity Price BUY NOW
Each Bottle Contains 60 Capsules $ 183.95 (10 Bottles)

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Serving Size- 1 Vegi Cap 
Servings per Container - 60 
Each 500 mg Capsule Contains - Best Quality Standardized Herbal Extract of Amla berries 10:1
Dosage of Amla Capsules - 1-2 capsules twice daily, with plain water

Packs Retail Price Sale Price Shipping Order Now
1 Bottle $22.95 $22.95 Standard Minimum 2
2 Bottles $45.90 $42.95 Standard

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3 Bottles $68.85 $61.95 Standard

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5 Bottles $114.75 $ 97.95 Standard

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10 Bottles $229.50 $ 183.95 Express

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50 Bottles $1147.50 $ 688.50 Express

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Our Amla Capsules and other natural Vitamin C supplements like Amla Juice, Herbal Jam with amla fruit pulp base and Amla Powder consists of 100 % safe, chemical free, Purely Vegetarian, No fillers, binders or common allergens. Contains no Sugar, Salt, Artificial Color, Yeast, Gluten, Wheat or dairy products

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