Gallstone Treatment | Gall Stone Treatment | GallstonesGallstones are hard and pebble-like deposits formed inside the gallbladder. The size of gallstones may be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a ball. Gallstones are of two types i.e. stones made up of cholesterol (cholesterol gallstones) and stones made up of bilirubin (pigment stones). Gallstones are more common in women as compared to men and people over age of 40. The most common factors responsible to develop gallstones may include bone marrow or solid organ transplant, diabetes, failure of the gallbladder to empty bile properly, liver cirrhosis and biliary tract infections. Other conditions are medical conditions that cause the liver to make too much bilirubin, rapid weight loss from eating a low-calorie diet and receiving nutrition as intravenous feedings. Consumption of foods containing excess amount of fat, cholesterol and other harmful substances get accumulated in the liver and are released as bile. This may lead to the formation of gallstones. Most people with gallstones never show any symptoms. The gallstones are often found during a routine x-ray or abdominal surgery. Symptoms of gallstones may include pain in the right upper or middle upper abdomen, fever, yellowing of skin (jaundice), clay-colored stools, nausea and vomiting. The most common way to treat symptomatic gallstones is surgery and it is called 'cholecystectomy'. However, the most common complication in gallbladder surgery is injury to the bile ducts. An injured common bile duct can leak bile and thus cause a painful & dangerous infection. Medications are used only for cholesterol gallstones. But, gall stones are reported to recur after chemotherapeutic treatment about half the time. Some doctors prescribe drugs made from bile acid so as to dissolve the stones. But it takes months or years for the treatment, before all the stones dissolve. These drugs most often cause mild diarrhea and raise levels of blood cholesterol temporarily. Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day is recommended for the cure of gallstones. Coffee is also supposed to break down the gallstones at a faster pace. Food which contains high levels of cholesterol such as meat, junk food etc. should be avoided, as these foods may create further problems. Exercising regularly is very important to lose weight and to remove excess of fat & cholesterol. A vegetarian diet is highly recommended, as it provides all the possible nutrients required by the body. According to Ayurveda, natural and inexpensive herbs can help patients with gallstones. Herbal treatment is the best way to eliminate the dependence of patients on prescription drugs or surgery. Herbalists consider herbal remedies probably as one of the most effective and proven natural treatment for problems relating to the gall bladder stones. These herbs inhibit the excessive production of cholesterol, which is a chemical building-block of average gallstones. It also helps to maintain healthy bile production and even compensate for blockages caused by gallstones. Our natural herbal remedies stimulate the gallbladder and promote the flow of bile. All our herbal supplements can have spectacular results in the treatment of gallstones and without any adverse side-effects. Herbal Cure Pack for Gallstones
The above pack is for 20 days. Following is the dosage details: Yakrit Phila Antak Churna: 1 teaspoon twice daily, before meals. The gall bladder is a pear shaped organ, 10 cm long and 3-5 cm wide, attached on the undersurface of the liver on the right side. The main function of gall bladder is to store the bile secreted by the liver. Bile assists in the digestion and absorption of fats and the absorption of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K, minerals and calcium. Gall stones are usually caused by disturbances in the composition of bile. A change in ratio of cholesterol and bile salts may result in the formation of deposits, ultimately leading to the formation of larger stones. The incidence is higher in females than in males, particularly who are obese. The causes of gall bladder stones are due to digestive disturbances caused by excessive intake of fat and carbohydrates in the diet. It can also be caused by disturbances in the liver and gall-bladder. Poor health, hereditary factors, stress, may also cause gall-bladder disorders. Yakrit Plihantak ChurnaYakrit Plihantak Churna (Yakrit means liver and Pliha means Spleen) is an herbal mixture of rare herbs to improve liver function. It helps the liver in clearing away the toxins. It regenerates the liver cells and prevents liver failure. It is useful herbal remedy for fatty liver and liver cirrhosis, jaundice, liver damage due to alcohol, toxins and infection. The herb Katuki increases the bile production and excretion, whereas Makoye, Bhringraj and Kalmegh improve liver function. Punarnava and Bhumi amla regenerate liver cells and are useful in liver enlargement and inflammation. Giloy is immunomodulator and corrects liver metabolism. The combination of herbs is a wonderful remedy for all liver problems. Herbs in Yakrit-Plihantak Churna: Yakritplihantak Churna is purely an herbal formulation without any chemicals added into it. The ingredients are frequently used in Ayurvedic system of medicine since 5,000 B.C. without any side effects. Ayurvedic Energetic of this Product - Vata + , Pitta - , Kapha Indications - Useful in Alcoholic liver disease, Enlarged & Fatty liver, High Cholesterol, Diabetes (Type I & II), Gall bladder Stones, Hormonal imbalances, Pitta (Excessive heat) disorders, Constipation. Ingredients in Yakrit Plihantak Churna
The ingredients in Yakrit Plihantak Churna are unique in their action and truly called 'Divine' herbs. The ingredients are - 1. Bhumi Amla - Bhumiamla or Phyllanthus niruri is an extensively researched herb, found to be very effective natural treatment for Hepatitis B and other forms of Hepatitis. Phyllanthus niruri is grows in rainy areas, where humidity level is high. It is widely growing in tropical countries. Many age old herbal healers use Bhumi amla as a remedy for liver and kidney failure. It clears away the toxins from the body, detoxes the liver and brings down the SGOT and SGPT levels drastically within 3-4 days of regular use. The jaundice disappears within 4-5 days and the bilirubin levels in the blood also come down remarkably. It regenerates liver cells and cures liver failure. 2. Katuki - It is known as Picrorrhiza kurro and is the most effective of all herbs to correct metabolism going on within the liver. It clears away the excessive fat deposited in liver; it increases the production and excretion of bile and is effective gall bladder cleanser. If regularly used, this can also clear away gall bladder stones. It aids in digestion, helps in fat metabolism. A very famous traditional medicine Arogyavardhni Vati also contains Kutki in it as its major ingredient. 3. Makoy - Popular as Solanum indicum is a plant of Solanaceae family. It is a small growing weed like herb. It has amazing liver healing properties. It helps in bringing down alkaline phosphatase, useful in alcoholic liver damage, fatty liver, and hepatitis of all types. It also aids in regeneration of liver cells quickly. 4. Punarnava - Punarnava (Boerrhavia diffusa) is a natural diuretic herb. It removes excess of fat, water from within the body. It rejuvenates kidneys and liver, that's why the name is punarnava (Puna- means again, nava means new). It makes the body new again. Punarnava removes excessive fluid from the body, which is a feature of ascites due to liver or kidney failure. It also helps in regeneration of liver cells and natural remedy to balance albumin/globulin ration in the blood. It is also effective in urinary tract infections, nephrotic syndrome, nephrosis, kidney failure. 5. Kalmegh- Andrographis paniculata is another herbal remedy for liver problems, fatty liver, hepatitis and alcoholic liver disease. People in India, use decoction of this herb as an effective natural solution for liver diseases. It removes accumulated toxins from within the liver and contains alkaloids which help in immediate regeneration of damaged liver cells. It can be taken in routine without any side effects. A lot of farmers are now growing Kalmegh instead of wheat in India, as there is increased demand of this herb worldwide. No liver formula is considered complete without Kalmegh as its ingredient. 6. Kaasni- Cichorium intybus or Chicory bears unique divine healing power to cure the worst liver and kidney failure as well. It can prevent going through dialysis and purifies the blood. Chicory is popular worldwide for its healing effect on kidney and liver. Kidney support or Mutrakrichantak Churna can be combined with Yakritplihantak Churna just to increase the dosage of Chicory. This combination is not only useful in kidney failure but also liver failure. 7. Sharpunkha - It is most effective herbal remedy for enlarged liver and spleen due to any reason. It is a natural alkaliser, decreases acidity and gas due to liver problem. It regenerates the capacity of the spleen to hold blood. It helps in regeneration of liver cells. 8. Bhringraj - Eclipta alba is generally used for hair problems as an ancient ayurvedic remedy for hair loss. Bhringraj Oil is very famous for local application on hair to prevent hair loss. It has also been recommended in Ayurveda to use powder of the herb for liver diseases in many ancient texts. Latest research on Bhringraj indicates that it has amazing power to regenerate liver cells. It is helpful in alcoholic liver disease, fatty liver, liver damage due to any other reason or excessive toxins. Katuki Churna

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