Agrimony | Herbal Remedies | Uses of Agrimony | Agrimony herb | Cockleburr | Church steeplesAgrimony is a very pretty looking herb and it has spikes that bear rows of tiny yellow flowers-known as church steeples. The flowers have antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Medicinal use of the herb Agrimony includes treatment of skin rashes, stomach upsets, sore throats and rheumatism. Agrimony is the best herbal remedy to treat mild diarrhea, sluggish digestion, poor circulation, hemorrhoids and without any side effects. ![]() Agrimonia eupatoria Rosaceae Also called Cockleburr, Church steeples A slender hedgerow plant Jound throughout Europe, agrimony grows up to a metre in height. It has rough stems and large dark green leaves with a whitish downy underside. The spikes of yellowflowers have a slightly spicy scent and appear from June to early SeptemberJollowed by burr-like seedpods with hooked spines. Parts usedFlowerheads Gather in full flower in July and August and dry in a warm place. For internal use, agrimony is usually made into an infusion, but can be bought as tablets. Externally, it is used in gargles and compresses ConstituentsThe flowers contain three types of active components: tannins - which have antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties; flavonoids - antioxidants believed to prevent cardiovascular disease and fight cancer; and terpenes - the plant's volatile oils that give it its pleasing aroma. Medicinal usesThe anti-inflammatory qualities of agrimony make it useful for treating skin rashes and stomach upsets, as well as sore throats and rheumatism. Weak infusions can be given to children with diarrhoea and mild tummy upsets. A Swedish study has confirmed that agrimony infusions can help to ease inflammatory skin conditions. A cooled infusion applied on a cloth soothes skin allergies and improves blood circulation, and a compress may reduce haemorrhoids. Gargling with an infusion of agrimony can heal sore throats while rinsing is good for mouth ulcers. Drinking infusions of agrimony improves digestion by stimulating the stomach and gall bladder. It can also soothe an irritable bowel. Historically, agrimony was used to heal gunshot wounds, and research has shown that it helps blood to clot. CAUTIONSDo not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Avoid exposure to bright sunlight when taking agrimony. PREPARATION AND DOSAGEFor internal use INFUSION Use 2 teaspoons of dried flowers to 250ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 5 minutes and then strain. Drink 3-4 cups a day. Haemorrhoid treatments are available over-the-counter. For external use TO TREAT haemorrhoids, circulation problems, skin problems COMPRESS Use 5 dessertspoons of the dried plant to 250ml of cold water. Bring to the boil and let boil for 5 minutes. Cool and strain. Soak a soft cloth in the liquid and apply four or five times a day. IF SYMPTOMS PERSIST CONSULT A DOCTOR CultivationPrefers well-drained soil and is suited to sunny positions. Agrimony is harvested when it is in flower. |

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