Ayurvedic Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis - Real Testimonials | Patients FeedbackTestimonial - 1Hello Dr. Chauhan, I am one of your patients from New Zealand. I am getting the treatment for Ulcerative Colitis. I have been taking the med for about 3 weeks now and I see improvement already, firstly that I am not constipated anymore, passing motion once a day which is normal and formed. second huge reduction in passing of pus like material and blood 3) formation of malodourous gas is zero. I stopped taking my regular medication 10-15 days after I started your med and the improvement I saw with y our medication was not even achieved by the regular med prescribed by the gastroenterologist. So, I want to thank you for this life changing med that you have created. I am sure a lot of people out there are benefiting from it. I know there is a huge population out there suffering from his nasty conditions and it has adverse effect on people both mentally and physically..... I have already asked my brother in law to collect med for next month and send it to me and I believe he came and got them today. I have my review with the gastroenterologist next month and I cant wait to see him and tell him all about this new and improved me. Any suggestion from your side about my condition do you think I am on the track to recovery? shall I just keep doing what I am doing i.e. healthy diet plus the med from you and stop regular medication. Kind Regards Rajdeep Date: 21-09-2016 Testimonial - 2I am currently taking 5th month of UC care pack, and my mother has begun with 1st month Interstitial Cystitis. I am doing fantastic and will re-order UC care pack for 6th month in a few weeks. My mother has seen improvement as well. Edward Gonzalez Testimonial - 3Regarding health after medicine After taking medicine n follow the diet I had seen there was a drafting change in my health and improves a lot in ulcer colitis from last 6 month m continue with this package . . . . Thanks to Dr meenakshi guide me for a medicine n diet n always there for ur patient's . . . . Testimonial - 4I have started taking the medicines for about 1.5 weeks and I am seeing good progress in my health. I will wait for about 1 more week to give you a better feedback. But my health has definitely improved in the past week. Thanks a lot. Regards, Deepak Testimonial - 5Hello Planet Ayurveda I am following up with you in regards to your question on how I'm doing following the supplements. Well I am on month 6 for uc care pack and I'm doing fantastic. I was able to go to another country for two weeks and I did not get sick from stomach or nothing, and I always use to get sick in other country. I have gotten my life back from what I am seeing. I will order soon for month 7 (march) and will keep you updated. Thank you all at planet aryuveda, this has been a life saver for me and getting my life back. - Edward Testimonial - 6Good Evening Sir Myself Md. Ibrahim from yousuf guda Hyderabad patient of ulcerative colitis from week 10 day's i am using your ulcerative colitis care pack i am feling much better. Thank You, Testimonial - 7Hi, My bleeding has stopped since couple of days. Its Healing. Thank u so much. You are doing great job. Shraddha Gohel Testimonial - 8Hi, In reference of colitis problem, I am feeling better since we are using your medicine. Thanks Testimonial - 9Hi, I was all fine and used to do gym. I took the weight gain powder for biceps due to that there was the problem of bleeding but I thought its normal but later it enhanced. I told to my parents about the bleeding problem. Then my allopathic treatment was started and I took the allopathic medicines for 3-4 months. In the beginning like 2-3 months everything was good but later these medicines created more problems and didn't found the good results. On internet I read about doctor and came from Jalandhar to Chandigarh. Doctor gave me Ayurvedic medicines which I took for a month and also followed the diet chart suggested by him. Within a month I got very good results. In the 2nd month again I came to doctor then he stopped my allopathic medicines completely. Read More... Testimonial - 10Hi, I was diagnosed with Ulcerative colitis 2 years ago. I took treatment from Rohtak, PGI from Dr. Manoj Goyal but I had no relief. I kept taking medicines but, I was fine, only, till I took the medicines as soon as I stopped the medicines my symptoms relapsed. Then, I came across Dr. Vikram Chauhan's videos on YouTube. I saw them a few times and I decided that only Ayurveda can cure it. So, I thought of meeting Dr. Vikram Chauhan and I came here 5 months ago. My condition was very critical back then. Read More... Testimonial - 11Hi, The amount of relief I've got from these medicines can't be defined in words. I'm absolutely fine now just like I was before getting affected from this disease. Read More... Testimonial - 12Hi, After taking Planet Ayurveda's ayurvedic medicines, I'm absolutely fine now. Read More... Testimonial - 13Hello, When we saw numerous interviews on YouTube then I realized there is some possibility to treat ulcerative colitis. I immediately found Dr. Vikram Chauhan's contact details and mailed him. Sir was going abroad but he was kind enough to speak to me over the phone. He said it wasn't an issue and that I wouldn't even have to speak to him again. He explained me about the Ulcerative colitis care pack and the diet chart. She started the medicines on December 28th and all the symptoms including bleeding stopped by January 26th. There are no symptoms since then. She was passing stools 6 to 7 times, which reduced slowly but, now, she passes stool normally, once a day. On rare occasions she passes stool twice a day. No mucous, no bleeding, no loose stools. Read More... Testimonial - 14Hello, I was suffering from ulcerative colitis. I went for treatment to Ghaziabad. I took treatment for 4-5 months, but results were not satisfactory. Then I contacted Planet Ayurveda and contacted Dr. Vikram Chauhan. Took medicines from Planet Ayurveda and became healthy. Read More... Testimonial - 15Hello, I am from district Sangrur. I had problem of Ulcerative Colitis from last 3-4 years. I saw your video on youtube. I took the address and reached here. I got treated and became healthy in 4 to 5 months. Read More... Testimonial - 16Hello, I was facing gastric problem. In 2010, lot of gastric problem I had when I was in Quwait. Suddenly bleeding started. I left my job and came back to Bihar. I took treatment in Patna. I used to get relief for some time but again the problem would start. I was admitted for 15. 15 days in hospital too. I took good treatment in Gujarat also. I got relief but then again problem would occur. At last when I came bathinda I met Dr. Vikram. Now I am feeling better since 4 months, taking his medicines. Read More... Testimonial - 17Hello, I had Ulcerative Colitis, which started in January 2015. I contacted few doctors in Patna regarding it. Few doctors said it is not curable, you have to eat medicine for long time. Then I contacted in the Planet Ayurveda. I came and met doctor. Doctor assured me that I will become ok within 6 months. Doctor told me to take medicine continuously. After taking for 3-4 months I could feel positive effects. Doctor told me to eat 2-3 months more. I ate regularly for 6 months. Now I have discontinued the medicines. I left taking medicines in June 2017. Now I am completely fine. Read More... Testimonial - 18Hello, I would just like to say that if you're not finding any treatment in allopathy. You should come at Planet Ayurveda once, I have faith in them. I'm sure you'll also be cured just like me. Read More... Testimonial - 19Hello, I want to tell that this medicines give result in less than 10 days, which no other medicine can give. So if anyone suffering from this kind of problem please visit and get treatment from Planet Ayurveda. Read More... Testimonial - 20Hello, I would like to say that who are suffering from any diseases they must consult Dr. Vikram. They might get benefited as I did. Read More... Testimonial - 21Hello, I would like to say that anybody who is suffering from Ulcerative Colitis should come to Dr. Vikram Chauhan as even at a given time, even I had lost hope that I have to take the medicine for the whole life time, but then Dr. Vikram Chauhan said that I can be totally cured by 6 months and I will not take any medicine after that. I've taken the medicine for 5 months, just another month. Read More... Testimonial - 22Hello, I would like to convey that, don't take much medicine from allopathic and don't degrade your health any more. Switch to ayurveda as soon as possible and get proper treatment from ayurveda. You will get proper treatment from here. I was also not having any hope that, I will get cured. But now I am cured. So one must visit here. Read More... Testimonial - 23Hello, I would like to say that after taking treatment from Dr. Chauhan, I am 90% fine or I can say that I am cured totally. Read More... Testimonial - 24Hello, Those who are watching me should take treatment from here. You will get relief within four days. Read More... Testimonial - 25Hello, When she had severe dehydration, we watched your video and ordered medicines online. After she had a blood transfusion, its next day medicines arrived and we started the medicines. It's about one month and since we have started the medicine. She is fine. There are no pain and bleeding is less now and food is also digesting properly. Read More... Testimonial - 26Hello, I just want to tell that anyone suffering from ulcerative colitis at least give one visit to Dr. Chauhan and they will get good relief within 3-4 months of treatment. Read More... Testimonial - 27Hello, I just want to tell that, people should believe in ayurveda and every disease has cure but one should have believe and faith in god's grace and there should be firmness in your mind and body to fight against the disease then even impossible also become possible. And one should believe in ayurveda and should follow the instruction strictly then you will be see the results even faster. It took 1 year to me to overcome it but some will get relief in 6 months. Read More... Testimonial - 28Hello, I want to say that whoever is suffering with ulcerative colitis do consult Dr. Vikram Chauhan and get your health back. Read More... Testimonial - 29Hello, I want to say that this treatment helped me a lot so any one who is suffering from this disease must come here. Read More... Testimonial - 30Hello, I would like to suggest to everyone who are suffering from ulcerative colitis do consult Dr. Vikram Chauhan. We are spending lot of money but we are not getting relief. Where you are spending 20 thousand for the treatment spend few more thousands. You will get relief for sure. Read More... Testimonial - 31Hello, I want to say that any patient of ulcerative colitis come and meet once to sir as ulcerative colitis is not treatable with allopathic medicine but with ayurvedic medicines it is possible. Sir gave me new life. Read More... Testimonial - 32Hello, I want to say to everyone who is suffering from this disease that don't stress out and keep faith in Dr. Vikram. Take prescribed medicines of Planet Ayurveda and get relief soon. Read More... Testimonial - 33Hello, I just want to say whoever the problem has come to Dr. Vikram Chauhan get the consultation, take the medicines properly and follow the diet chart. This is only what I want to say. I am properly cured my reports are normal. Read More... Testimonial - 34Hello, I have 90-95% relief. you can say I am almost fine now. Read More... Testimonial - 35Hello, I would really want like all the people with this problem and other problems also. You really find solutions in Ayurveda. It really works so its a myth that these things are slow or they don't work. In my case, it worked in one week. So I'm the best person to say that it's faster than even western medicine. Read More... Testimonial - 36Hello, I have learned from my last two years' experience that Ayurveda have treatment for everything, and allopathic medicines will bring more complications to you rather than relief from this disease. Read More... Testimonial - 37Hello, I want to give them only this message that believes in Ayurveda and if you are not getting relief from allopathy, as it is told in allopathy that they don't have treatment for ulcerative colitis and not in India but outside India too when I had word with a doctors they also told that you have to live with this disease and as it has no treatment and you have to take medicines lifelong. Such things made me sad sometimes. As I am still young and have to take these medicines even though I was not getting any relief from them but when I met Dr. Vikram Chauhan, he with lots of confident said that he will totally cure my ulcerative colitis and I showed my confidence in him and within one month I got this much good results so from my side I have only this advice to you people that believe in Ayurveda and meet Dr. Vikram Chauhan and tell him your problem and strictly follow the diet chart and medicines. Read More... Testimonial - 38Hello, Now she is feeling much better. Now she is passing stool once and there is no blood and mucus. Read More... Testimonial - 39Hello, I am totally fine and that's why I came here to say thanks to you by meeting personally with Dr. Vikram Chauhan. As doctors there told me that it has no cure and I really want to say thank you. Read More... Testimonial - 40Hello, After meeting Dr. Sahab, I got so much relief that I can't tell. Those who are reading this and are the patients of Ulcerative Colitis, tell your health issue to Dr. Sahab, I can say that you will be cured by 101% and taking precautions is very-very important. Along with the medicines, precautions are very important. Ayurveda has a cure. Read More... Testimonial - 41Hello, Now I am feeling very happy as his condition is completely Ok. Now for any of the health problem of mine or his we only consult Dr. Vikram Chauhan. Read More... Testimonial - 42Hello, I want to convey this message that when I saw YouTube videos of Dr. Chauhan, I was very surprised and didn't able to believe that patient can get cured so much fast. But I believed when I saw myself healing that much fast. These medicines are very helpful in ulcerative colitis patient so to all viewers my message is please visit here once and enjoy your life. Read More... Testimonial - 43Hello, I would like to tell and recommend the viewers to visit to Planet Ayurveda and don't take tension, it will be cured completely. Read More... Testimonial - 44Hello, I want to say that you should come to the Ayurvedic treatment because in allopathic, the medicines don't give relief. You should adopt Ayurveda. And I would suggest come to Dr. Vikram sir only. You'll get good treatment from here. Read More... Testimonial - 45Hello, My message is only this that I have learned from my last two years' experience that Ayurveda have treatment for everything, and allopathic medicines will bring more complications to you rather than relief from disease. Read More... Testimonial - 46Hello, I want to convey this message that Ayurveda is the way. Don't go for allopathy and don't feel stressed. If you are suffering from any disease don't feel stressed and watch your diet. And anyway Dr. Vikram is there. Read More... Testimonial - 47Hello, Gradually I got relief and now I am much better and also passing stools in the normal way. Read More... Testimonial - 48Hello, I just want to tell that with the prescription of Dr. Chauhan, he also tells that food is the medicine for you, so while taking medicines, also follow the diet chart which he provides with the medicines. Because with this your recovery will become fast and you will be cured earliest. So take medicines regularly and follow the diet properly too. Read More... Testimonial - 49Hello, The doctor, Dr. Vikram Chauhan over here is an excellent person, my son got the comfort back, and allopathy has no cure for that. Read More... Testimonial - 50Hello, Just follow Dr. Vikram Chauhan's instructions, do as he said, you will definitely be fine. I used to think that I'll never get fine as I had to suffer a lot. At first the doctor never asked me to stop the medicines abruptly that I had with me from Chandigarh, but later he reduced the dose and after some time he asked me to discontinue those medicines. For us this doctor is like God. Read More... Testimonial - 51Hello, I want to give this message through this video that whosoever is suffering from ulcerative colitis should meet Dr. Vikram Chauhan, and also wants to tell that Ayurveda has best treatment so don't afraid to get Ayurvedic treatment and if there is any problem of ulcerative colitis then meet Dr. Vikram Chauhan and Ayurveda has the best treatment. Read More... Testimonial - 52Hello, From last 8 to 9 years, but I have seen histories of cancer, ulcerative colitis, ITP and Kidney transplant have been cured here. Even my father in law's Parkinsonism has been cured within 3 months. I have full faith in Dr. Vikram Sir so I recommend everyone and you'll be cured. Click here to watch the video of this testimonial. Testimonial - 53Hello, Psychologically, don't think much about ulcerative colitis as this disease is connected with the brains. Take it out from there, follow the diet chart and take medicine and you will be alright. Read More... |
Ayurveda BookThis book on Ayurveda is meant for people interested to know about basics concepts of Ayurvedic healing and learn ayurveda concepts. Though there are many books Read More My SitesReal Testimonials
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