Arogyavardhni Vati - Effective Herbal Remedy For Fatty Liver

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  • Best herbal formulation for removing the toxins from the liver or fatty liver
  • Useful in clearing the accumulated bile which is the leading cause of jaundice
  • Also effective to emulsify the bile and clearing the colon
  • Also improves immune system of our body, so it is good for infections and fevers

Arogyavardhni Vati is an ancient herbal formulation for removing the toxins from the liver or fatty liver. Arogyavardhni Vati is an effective herbal remedy for liver diseases like hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, Jaundice due to any reason, fatty liver (liver enlargement due to any reason), and acid - peptic disorders. It has also been used in many ailments like Anemia, Constipation, Fever, Heart diseases, Skin diseases and Infestations of worms in our body.

Dosage - 2 tablets twice daily

Quantity Price BUY NOW
120 Herbal Tablets $ 22.95

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S.No. Sanskrit Name Botanical Name Parts
1 Shuddh Parad Mercury (purified) 1
2 Shuddh Gandhak Sulphur (purified) 1
3 Lauh Bhasma Iron (calcined) 1
4 Abhrak Bhasma Mica (calcined) 1
5 Tamra Bhasma Copper (calcined) 1
6 Hareethaki Terminalia chebula 2
7 Vibheethaki Terminalia belerica 2
8 Amlaki Emblica officinalis 2
9 Shuddh Shilajatu Asphaltum (purified) 3
10 Shuddh Guggulu Commiphora mukul (purified) 4
11 Chitrak Mool Plumbago zeylanica 4
12 Katuka Picrorrhiza kurroa 22

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