Benefits of Clove herb For Health Problems


Syzygium aromaticum Myrtaceae.

A native of the Spice Islal1ds, this tall, slender r evergreen can reach a height of 20m.. Its flowers grow in cluster and, if allowed to bloom, open into red and -white bells. However, mature trees are not often in full bloom as the flower buds are picked.for use as cloves. The tree docs not produce these cloves until it is 20 years old. It then remain Productive about 50 years.

Parts used

  • Flower buds
  • Buds are harvested twice a year, in summer and winter.
  • Cloves are the dried flower buds.


Clove oil consists largely of eugenol, an anaesthetic and antiseptic substance. Cloves also contain tannins and flavonoids - cancerfighting antioxidants that also strengthen the walls of the veins.

Medicinal uses

Herbal practitioners use cloves to treat digestive complaints and oil of cloves for toothache.

The eugenol contained in cloves is their main active constituent. It is known to combat inflammation and bacterial and fungal infections, as well as being analgesic. Clove oil is the active ingredient in several mouthwashes and over-the-counter pain-relief remedies for toothache.

A paper published in 1999, in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, reports on cloves' efficacy against both bacteria and yeasts: Chinese physicians have long used the herb to treat athlete's foot - a yeast (fungal) infection.

Studies performed in Taiwan showed that eugenol reduces blood clotting and is also an effective antiinflammatory. Research published in 19B5 found clove oil to have a potent relaxant effect on the smooth muscle of both lungs and intestines. But because of this powerful sedative effect, an overdose of eugenol could have a depressive effect on the central nervous system.

Cloves are often combined with other plants to treat bloating, gastritis, dyspepsia and rheumatic pains. They are also incorporated into various, remedies to combat infections of the ear, nose and throat, and genito-urinary infections 


For internal use

TO TREAT gastritis, dyspepsia, rheumatic pains CLOVES Take 1-3g a day in a decoction.

TO TREAT toothache WHOLE CLOVES or CLOVE OIL Chew a clove three-or four times a day, or apply 3 drops of the essential oil on a cotton wool bud to the affected tooth and gum two or three times a day. See a dentist as soon as possible.



The tree needs a tropical or glasshouse environment to thrive.


  • Talk to a medical herbalist before taking the essential oil: the eugenol it contains has a corrosive effect on the mucous membranes.
  • Clove oil capsules must be 'enteric coated', meaning that they cannot be broken down by gastric juices.
  • Dilute clove essential oil in vegetable oil before applying it directly to the skin, or it will burn.
  • If pregnant or breastfeeding do not consume more of the spice than is normally present in food.

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