DiII (Anethum Graveolens) - Best Herb For Many Health Problems

DiII, Anethum Graveolens

Anethum graveolens Umbelliferae/Apiaceae

Native to the Mediterranean, where it still grows wild, the dill plant sports a flourish if feathery leaves that fan out from the hollow, ridged stem. In midsummer it bears tiny yellow flowers in umbrella-shaped clusters, to be .followed by large quanties if flat oval winged seeds, that are scattered on the wind.

Parts used

  • Leaves and seeds
  • The leaves are used in poultices and compresses.
  • The seeds are harvested when fully ripe, then dried in a shady place, so that their constituent compounds remain active.
  • They are used in infusions, tablets, tinctures and powders. An essential oil is also extracted from them.


For internal use

TO TREAT digestive problems INFUSION Put 4-8g of dried seeds into 1 litre of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Drink 1 cup after meals.

FRUIT POWDER Take 1-2g a day. TINaURE (1:4 in 45% alcohol) Put 10-15 drops into a glass of water. Take three times a day. For external use.

TO TREAT bruises, blocked and overloaded breasts in women who are breastfeeding, gum infections

POULTICE Put 50-100g of dried fruit into 1 litre of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes. The leaves can also be used.

TO TREAT nausea

ESSENTIAL OIL Rub a few drops onto the forearm two or three times a day.



Dill seeds contain tannin and mucilage, resinous substances, aleurone and albuminoid fats. They are also rich in essential oil.

Medicinal uses

Dill was traditionally used to treat swelling and pain, and as a sedative. It has long been known that dill can also relieve flatulence and aid digestion, which partly explains its centuries-long culinary use.

Dill seeds are effective for treating indigestion and hiccups, particularly in infants and young children probably because of their high concentration of essential oil. Research has also established that the essential oil has antibacterial properties, which inhibit the growth of harmful intestinal bacteria.

Essential oil rubbed onto the skin can stop feelings of nausea, and dill seed preparations, applied externally in a poultice, can be used to treat bruises and gum infections.


Dill can be grown by planting the seeds in well-drained, neutral to acid soil. The plant prefers a position in direct sunlight.


  • The essential oil must only be taken in small doses, due primarily to the presence of myristicin
  • The oil should not be taken when pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Dill naturally contains high levels of salt, therefore any dried plant material or the water extract are not recommended for people who need to follow a salt-restricted diet.

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