Olive, Olea Europaea, Uses of Olive Benefits, HerbOlea europaea Oleaceae Widely cultivated throughout the Mediterranean region, the olive tree has a grey, twisted and grooved trunk and grows to a height of about 10m. Its tough, spearshaped, evergreen leaves are grayish green on top and silvery white beneath. Its flowers are white and grow in little, erect clusters and its oval fruit, the olive, is green at first ripening to black, with a hard stone at its centre. Parts used
ConstituentsThe leaves contain secoiridoids, in particular oleuropein, which reduces blood pressure. They also contain triterpenes and flavonoids. Olive oil, obtained from the fruits, is rich in monounsaturated (oleic acid) and polyunsaturated fatty acids {linoleic and linolenic acids) as well as in vitamin E. Medicinal usesDue mainly to the oleuropeoside, olive leaves have several beneficial effects. They help to reduce blood pressure, dilate coronary blood vessels, regulate heart beat, lower blood sugar levels and are diuretic. Olive leaves, often combined with hawthorn, are considered an effective treatment for mild cases of high blood pressure. Their ability to lower blood pressure was shown by Egyptian researchers in animal studies in 2002. The extract can also be used as a supplementary treatment for less serious forms of Type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes. Spanish studies performed in 1992 showed that oleuropeoside lowered blood sugar levels in in vitro models of diabetes. Olive oil is mildly laxative and, because it stimulates the secretion and elimination of bile, is used in the treatment of gallstones. It has also been used to treat stomach ulcers and to ease nervous tension.Applied externally, olive oil softens and soothes the skin and is a component of protective sun creams and liniments to soothe burns. PREPARATION AND DOSAGEFor internal use TO TREAT mild cases of high blood pressure, mild forms of Type 2 diabetes CAPSULES (SOmg dry extract) Take 1-2 capsules three times a day at mealtimes, with a large glass of water. TABLETS (SOOmg olive leaf) Take 1 tablet a day with food. TO TREAT gallstones. For external use TO TREAT sunburn, burns OLIVE-OIL BASED CREAMS AND LINIMENTS Apply as directed several times a day. IF SYMPTOMS PERSIST CONSULT A DOCTOR CultivationOlive trees are grown from seeds or cuttings. They need well-drained soil and plenty of sunshine. CAUTIONSTo date, when used as directed or prescribed neither olive leaf nor olive oil have any known adverse side effects. |
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