Praanrakshak Churna - Most Effective Anti-Allergic Herbal Remedies | Asthma Treatment
Praanrakshak Churna is a useful combination of anti-allergy herbs which act together in a synergistic manner and are effective in chronic allergies, respiratory tract infections, chronic bronchitis and asthma. The herbs Bharangi, Kantkari and Shirish act as powerful anti-histaminic and are effective in treating acute and chronic Asthmatic attacks. The herbs Vaasa and Madhuyashti break the mucous plugs and are useful even in common cough and bleeding while coughing. Typlophora asthmatica as the name indicates is another useful herb in curing asthma. Praanrakshak gives excellent result in Asthma and allergies within 15-20 days of its regular use. Dosage: 1-2 teaspoonful thrice, with plain water after meals
Serving Size- 1 teaspoonful (3-5 mgs) Dosage- 1-2 teaspoonful thrice, with plain water after meals Side Effects- No Side effects can be used with other herbal Supplements, Vitamins or other herbal remedies or natural products. |

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